for my mao mao
Thursday, March 12, 2009 @ 7:35:00 PM
dear now at kl le bah
having his dinner
finally he went bak after 1 month ++ holiday
we really spent lotx wonderful moment
let me recall harrr
mao mao(dear nick name) come bak at 7 of feb
7/2/09-wait for dear at his mum shop
welcome bak to jb^^
go walk walk at cs~
8/2/09-went to dear house and help put to move kor room
nite watch movie[look for a star]
9/2/09-holiday~have a nice day at bb house
10/2/09-have sukan nek..
play snooker with bb at nite
11/2/09-meet bb 2 times a day
haha~chiong k at bb house at nite
13/2/09-buy bb's present at cs
go meet bb with sheng
went qing house today
14/2/09-memorable day for us
en and sheng engaged day
go walk with dear,en,sheng
16/2/09-go meet dear after school
go pray han's grandpa
17/2/09-have dinner with dear after tuition
18/2/09-meet dear for snooker only after tuition^^
19/2/09-go seremban with dear
stay at roy house
20/2/09-camping day
sit on the beach and chat with dear at midnite
21/2/09-camping day also
22/2/09-finish camping
go bak jb at nite
23/2/09-ponteng day
nite go tai wan xiao chi meet with dear
lim teh at ma dou lou also^^
24/2/09-meet with bb after tuition
cry baby day
26/2/29-cancel tuition go meet bb
forget reason le leh
rainy day
27/2/09-bb went SAB
meet bb after teachin
watch movie[love matter]
28/2/09-went sg do cake for bb
meet with him in the afternun
meet with kelvin and went carrefour
1/3/09-forgot where i go already..sobx
2/3/09-celebrate dear's bday
4/3/09-go meet dear after tuition
gt exam on next day
5/3/09-meet dear after teach
had dinner with him at cs
jco day^^
6/3/09-cut my hair with dear
7/3/09-meet dear after celebrate zhi huat bday
go han's house
8/3/09-meet dear in the afternun
with wen kai
10/3/09-goo meet dear after tuition
chose en and sheng's wedding photo at elegance~
11/3/09-have dinner with dear at station 1
went plaza,sutera mall today
12/3/09-bb went bak loh
bb come bak for 34 days
yet i see him 30 days
only miss 4 days
haha~no wonder mummy keep nag me
din come bak for dinner almost 1 whole month
missin u my dear